Different from detecting space of land - based radar which has relative unchangabledetection space , aew radar ’ s detecting space changes with the carrier ' s patrol line . what ’ smore , because of both movements of carrier and targets , aew radar will detect targets whichwere out of its coverage 地基雷达的探测空间是相对固定的,而机载预警雷达的探测范围随载机航线的变化而变化;由于载机和目标同时都在运动,使得某一时刻在载机探测范围之外的目标也可能在后来的飞行过程中被探测到。
( 2 ) if not considering blind space and targets are uniformly distributed , detectionperformance are close for the three kinds of line when speed - ratio is less than 1 , and cross - toline will achieve higher enter - cover - probability when speed - ratio is more than 1 . if takingblind space into account , for case of balance - beam radar , cross - away line can get higherstrict - enter - cover - probability . but for fear that probablely - enter - cover target distribution comesbehind the patrol line , the three factors should be limited if taking cross line 若考虑盲区的影响,对平衡木构型的雷达而言,交叉同向航线的严格覆盖率较大;但为了使区域纵深不反向至我方空域,采用交叉航线时航线横比、航线纵比、速度比的取值范围要受到限制,否则雷达动态性能将大打折扣。